The Bistro

Chef Jude Messenger’s steady hand ensures this family favourite remains true to self, serving a menu strongly supportive of local produce and reflective of seasonal bounty. Jude and wife, Tiffany, together with their children, run a tight ship, never deviating from the mantra which has been a constant throughout the 14 years since they opened. To their ‘keep it simple but nice’ strapline they could easily add ‘affordable and without artifice’; Jude’s food is skilful, creative and accessible. Fresh Hawke’s Bay fish and Cambridge duck feature on the main-course menu while the grilled scotch fillet of Greenstone beef with Brussels sprouts, Jerusalem artichoke and field mushrooms vies for attention with roasted cauliflower cake served with caper and raisin emulsion. The drinks list provides for all tastes and has an uncommonly expansive beer and cocktail selection. Kids are well catered for, too, with a menu that takes them on a journey through ‘real food’ territory. Check website for opening hours. MAINS: $40-$49
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